• chevron_rightHow do I delete my ad?
    If you placed an ad for a home sale/rental and want to delete it, follow these instructions.
    1. Go to your ad and click "edit"
    2. Go down to "Status" and change it from "Active" to "Expired"
    3. Click Save (the ad should now be deleted)
    If you placed an ad under the classified section and want to delete it. follow these instructions.
    1. Go to your ad and click "edit your ad" 
    2. Go down to "Expiration Date" and select a date that has already passed
    3. Click "Submit" (the ad should now be deleted) 
    If you are having trouble with this process you can contact Member Services for assistance at 480-279-2053.
  • chevron_rightHow do I join a Club or Group?
    Answer: You will need to contact the specific club or group you are interested in. This information can be found on mytpr under "Lifestyle" then "Clubs" or it is also available in the monthly San Tan Press Magazine. When you contact the club they will let you know what is need to join. 
  • chevron_rightWhy does the security question pop up whenever I log into mytpr.com?
    Answer: It is likely due to the way you have your internet browser set to handle 'cookies'
    • If you have software on your computer that keeps deleting cookies, this will happen. There are a couple of ways to prevent this from happening:
      • In order to preserve the MyTPR cookies, a privacy level of 'Medium High' or lower is required. This is done in Internet Explorer by clicking 'Tools', then 'Internet Options'.
      • Click on the 'Privacy' tab.
      • A setting of 'High' or 'Block all Cookies' will NOT allow you to login to the private side without the security reminder reappearing.
      •  'Medium High' or lower should work fine.
      If you do not want to adjust your Privacy Settings on Internet Explorer, the alternative is:
      • click 'Tools', then 'Internet Options',
      • then click on the 'Privacy' tab, and
      • then click on 'Sites' button.
      • Type in the address of the web site (www.MyTPR.com) and click the 'Allow' button.
      This will now permit ONLY the MyTPR site to allow cookies.
  • chevron_rightHow can I change my login name and password?
    Answer: Once you are logged into MyTPR.com, click on your "Profile". You will see all your information there.
    • If you wish to change your Login Name or Password, simply Click on "Your Profile" and select what change you would like to make (Username, Password, etc.). WRITE IT DOWN somewhere, so you will remember what it is!
    • Your password must contain at least eight (8) characters and can include mixed letters, numbers and characters, either caps or lowercase (but it will be “case” sensitive for log-in).
    • When you are finished, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on 'Submit'. If you fail to do this, your changes will not be made.
  • chevron_rightHow can I correct the information in my “Profile” if it is incorrect?
    Answer: After you are logged in just go to the top right corner of the page and click on "Your Profile" to make the changes you wish to make.
    • For example, if your phone number is incorrect, simply Click on "Your Profile", then click on the phone number option to make the correction. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 'Submit'.
    • Please contact Member Services and inform them of any changes to your phone number, email address or name change so that our records are up to date. 
  • chevron_rightWhat should I do if my Spouse/Partner passes away or if I get divorced?
    • A copy of the death certificate or Proof of Divorce, with a written request to remove the person’s name, should be turned in to Member Services.
    • The person’s name should also be removed from your deed by contacting Maricopa County.
    • The Member Services Desk will submit the request to Accounting for processing.
  • chevron_rightDoes this procedure drop the name from mytpr.com
    Answer: Yes
    • Member Services will be sent a notice to remove the name from mytpr.com and any other databases.
  • chevron_rightHow do I get a permit to park my RV or Trailer on the street for a few days?
    Answer: You can obtain a Permit form for this purpose from the kiosk by the Member Services desk. After it is completed, turn it in to Member Services.
    • You will get a Notice to place in the window of your RV or Trailer.
    • Permits are issued for a period not to exceed 48 consecutive hours during any 7 consecutive days for the limited purpose of loading, unloading and cleaning such vehicles.
      • If more time is needed, it must be approved by Management according to HOA rules.
  • chevron_rightHow can I contact a staff member, management, or a Board member?
    Answer: There are several ways you can contact those individuals:
    • To speak with Management or another staff member, you can visit the Member Services Desk or leave a message with the staff member you are trying to reach.
    • Go to mytpr.com and click on the "About" menu:
      • select the Contact Us link,
      • select the department you wish to contact, and
      • submit your message.
  • chevron_rightDoes Trilogy have a notary service available for Members?
    Answer: Yes, we have several staff members in the Member Services department that are Notaries and will assist residents by appointment. 
    *****The Member Services Department only performs Acknowledgments and single signature/stamp documents*****
    • Call Member Services (480-279-2053) to arrange an appointment.
      • You will need a valid form of identification, preferably a Driver’s License or Passport.
      • There is not a charge for that service.
  • chevron_rightCan I View My Personal Folder?
    Answer: You can make a request for an appointment to view your Lot File through Member Services
    • You should allow 48 hours for the file to be pulled and arrangements made for a location where you can view your file.
      • The file must stay on-site but copies can be made at the normal rate for copying.
  • chevron_rightHow can I apply for a committee or multiple committees?
    Answer: There are application forms in the kiosk by the Member Services desk.
    • Interest in multiple committees can be noted on the form.
    Once returned, the form is sent to the Technology Department for processing:
    • the application is sent to the appropriate committee(s) Chairperson for review and presentation to the committee, and is sent to the Board of Directors liaison.
    • the Application is kept on file for one (1) year. 
    The Chairperson of the committee(s) should notify applicants as to the status of their application, i.e. whether there is an opening for which the applicant qualifies, or if there are no openings on that specific committee at the time.
    • An applicant may want to check back with the Chairperson from time to time to ascertain member status.
    There are occasional email pushes noting the various Committee member openings. Openings may also be announced at Board meetings.
  • chevron_rightCan Groups or Clubs send out an informational email to the entire Community?
    Answer:  Sorry, but in order to limit the amount of email pushes each week so they are not deemed to be obtrusive to our Members, we have to allow only those that may be of interest to the entire community.
    • Clubs and Groups should develop their own membership emails.
    • There is a site on mytpr.com where Clubs and Groups can display any amount of information applicable.
    • Approvals are needed from management or the Board of Directors prior to an email push being sent out to the community (i.e. events to which the entire Trilogy Community is invited).
  • chevron_rightHow do I allow access to my relatives and friends, as well as deliveries, when the gatehouse is closed?
    Answer:  There are two ways to accomplish that without giving out your personal code - PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT!
    Residents can purchase a Gate Access Only Card.
    • It is a one-time fee of $30 for a relative by filling out an application at the Member Services Desk.
    • The cardholder must be present to have a picture taken for their card. 
    Residents can use the "Code of the Week" process which can be obtained from the gate personnel (480-797-1662) from 6 AM to 10 PM or from Member Services during working hours.
    • The “Code of the Week” can be used for deliveries, guests, or when returning from a trip when you are using a shuttle service or Uber driver and do not have your prox card or remote with you.
      • You can get the number in advance for specific dates in the future. Call Member Services for that information (480-279-2053) 
      • The code is also located just to the right of the Welcome statement on the Main Home Page of mytpr.com. 
      • There is also a 
      That number can be given out without compromising our personal access codes.
  • chevron_rightI've heard the name "Tranquility Courtyard" - where is it?
    Answer: Tranquility  Courtyard was established in 2011 in honor of the 10th anniversary of 9-11.  It is a quiet area where residents can go and reflect on cherished moments/persons  in their life.  Memorial bricks may also be purchased and placed there as lasting memories of those special reflections.
    • It is located on the west side of the Lap Pool overlooking the golf course. The bricks are placed in an area of your choice around our "Tree of Life". There are benches where you can sit and rest or reflect.
    • The bricks cost $200 and can be ordered through the TPR Foundation.
    • The MEMORIAL BRICK ORDER form is in the kiosk by the Member Services desk.
  • chevron_rightCan I see upcoming Club events on the mytpr calendar?
    Answer: When a Club or Lifestyle Department turns in a Ticket Sale sheet requesting a date for tickets to the event to go on sale, the date of the event is placed on the Activity Calendar on mytpr.com.
    • Events are also noted on the monthly calendars located in the kiosk by the Member Services desk.
    • Regularly scheduled (recurring) events are usually published on the back of the monthly calendars.
  • chevron_rightWhat are some of the "general" swimming pool rules?
    Answer: There is a comprehensive list of pool rules including Pool Hours in the kiosk by the Member Services desk; there are also copies of that Blue flyer at the Member Services desk. The list below is not inclusive of all the rules.
    • If you are having guests visiting and they desire to enjoy the pool area, you must obtain a "Guest" wrist band for them which they should wear while in the pool  area - whether adult or children.
    • Children up to the age of 18 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.
    • Pool Hours are posted on the gates of the pool area and in the blue flyer; you must have your ID Badge to enter and exit the gates.
    • Children under the age of 18 are not permitted in the hot tub/spa at any time.
    • Children MUST be toilet trained, as no diapers or incontinent products (including swim-diapers) are allowed in the pools.
    • Glass containers are prohibited at all times.
    • No Alcohol is allowed in the pool area at any time.  
    • Children under the age of 18 years of age may use the lap pool during designated hours; however, diving or jumping into the pools is not permitted as it creates a large splashing area. They must also be supervised by a responsible adult.
  • chevron_rightI am a new resident and I would like to use the fitness center?
    Answer: New Residents should check in at the Member Services desk to obtain access to the amenities. 
  • chevron_rightI want to make some changes to my landscaping, house structure or paint colors - can I do that?
    Answer: Trilogy has an Architectural Control Committee (ACC) which has specific rules in regard to making changes to our homes.
    • There are specific forms for all kinds of improvements or changes.
    • Call Member Services at 279-2053  to ascertain the current dates/times of the ACC meetings.
    • You can also call the Trilogy Covenants Manager (480-279-2064) for specific information.
  • chevron_rightHow can I buy tickets to events?
    Answer: You can buy tickets to Trilogy events online. 
    • On this website 9mytpr.com) go to the "Calendar" page.
    • Find the day of the event you would like to attend and click into that event.
    • There will be a link to purchase or RVSP tickets through PurplePass.
    • Click the link to complete your transaction and search for more events.
    • For each paid event you are buying tickets for you will need a tracking code.
      • If you do not know your code you can contact Member Services at 480-279-2053.